>>9529742>>9529271Replying to messages on her social media
>Yes I watched Might Milk's reply, I'll deal with her in person, thanks for the eggplant.>Yes, I read DID's callout, Not I won't take part in a handicap match, thanks for the eggplant.>Again, yes I read her calling me out, why would I waste my time on the lackey when I beat the end boss? Thanks for the eggplant.>No, I don't think pictures of my yabbos would make Hailey get better soon, thanks for the eggplant.>Yes, I stand by the statement that Dorothy is the best Golden Girl.>Reported and blocked.>This is top quality eggplant, thanks kindly for this.>Mighty Molly is gunna get hers, don't worry. Also, thanks for the eggplant.>She can go have a slumber party with herself for all I care, probably trade stories with the voice in her head and whomp her head with a pillow yelling "Pillow fight!">Thanks for the eggplant.>Thanks Elon, I always knew you were a fan. Thanks for the eggplant.