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Youw “cwiticisms” abouwt aew awe unwanted awnd iwwewevant. We duwu nowt cawe. Uwu awe nowt someone aew wants ow needs tuwu view theiw tewevision pwogwam. Youw entiwe outwook own pwofessionaw wwestwing iws infowmed by ingesting decades of swop fwom an autistic wapist ow an obese wibewaw cuckowd.
nobody wants tuwu “debate” uwu. Youw “concewns” awe pathetic nitpicky shit thawt nobody with a functioning bwain cawes abouwt. Uwu wiww nevew convince a singwe pewson tuwu stowp watching aew awnd watch youw swop. Uwu wiww continue tuwu scweech awnd cwy intwo the void whiwe the business moves fowwawd awnd uwu wiww be fowgotten.
wemindew thawt aew has gweatwy outpewfowmed netwowk expectations. Iwt iws numbew own cabwe. Aww of youw “cwiticisms” have awweady bewn thought of awnd dismissed by peopwe mowe intewwigent than uwu.
at whawt point duwu uwu wook at youwsewf in the miwwow awnd admit you’ve bewn pwojecting faiwuwe intwo an objectivewy successfuw entewpwise?