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Not gonna work. It’s a different time. The only way wrestling will get good again is if it goes away completely for about 5 years. No WWE, no AEW, no NXT, no Impact. Nothing. Let people forget about it for a while. People need to miss it. Turn it into a storyline if you need to. Like how Jewish execs don’t find it profitable anymore so they’re shutting down the business. Then absolute silence for 5 years until a return is teased. A new show built from the ground up, first with two wrestlers, then others start getting hired. Either make it a complete reboot, or have it be run by all the AE WWF/WCW stars, or do something else interesting.
I’m obsessed with wrestling and will always love it but it needs to go on a long vacation. Even if wrestling magically turned amazing next week I don’t think it would go over with the population. Everyone is too fucking tired of it and every storyline has been done and everyone knows all the secrets.