Having spent what felt like hours going room to room trying to track down Priscilla Divine in the labyrinthian mansion Amy finally gives up and does what she probably should've done from the start; send a text message.
>Hej Madame Divine, jeg håber, du har det godt. Jeg havde håbet at kunne tale med dig personligt, men som sædvanlig har vi alle haft meget travlt. Jeg har inviteret Colby Jefferson til at bo hos mig på mit værelse, så vi kan træne sammen til vores kamp i Onsen. Jeg beklager, at jeg ikke har spurgt dig i forvejen, men jeg håber, at du kan acceptere dette arrangement.>AmyAlthough her interactions with Priscilla had been few and far between Amy had always found her to be very reasonable. There's a possibility that in just over a week the Divine Angels will hold every championship in the WWA except the Hardcore Title so surely having someone stay over for a while isn't too much to ask considering the huge potential benefits?
>>10438943>>10439913With the business taken care of Amy's thoughts turn to how she's going to catch up with Sapphire and Colby. Not wanting to make the same mistake as before Amy opens a window and hops down into the lower floors balcony, from there she drops down to ground level and strolls around the perimeter of the building.
"How is this place bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside?" Amy mutters to herself as she passes the pool, "looks like they didn't make it here just yet". She looks up towards her bedroom window and spots what appears to be the silhouette of Colby in her room.
Amy begins climbing the thick vines that cling to this side of the building then pulls herself up onto her rooms balcony. She'll have to remind the gardener to take care of that as it's very clearly a security risk. Finally she swings open the balcony door and triumphantly steps into the room.
>"I'm baaack!"