Quoted By:
1. He's the definition of a vanilla midget
2. He's like 5'3", he's shorter than many women
3. No character, whats his character?! He's just happy to be there and puts on "great matches"
4. No charisma, he has less charisma than the referees
5. Horrible mic skills, he just comes up and talks about how he changes diapers, thats terrible
6. He gets no reaction, he comes out and no one cares aside from a few obese smelly smarks
7. His wife Candice LeRae is as tall as him
8. Terrible theme song, just some bitch yelling and pretending to sing
9. Never drew a dime and never will
10. Not good in the ring, he's another midget who does doing but kicks+thigh slap, im tired of this shit
11. Stupid emoji logo
12. You cant give him a cool WrestleMania entrance like a Triple H or Undertaker entrance because he has no character
13. He's from Ohio, many shitty wrestlers come for there for some reason lol
14. He's gay
15. His fans, he has a few, and they're all fat