>>9766534>mmmm, I might have to teach you some respect sooner or later.Zunigoth smirked
>But if you're as good as you say, maybe I'll warm up to you after all.>Though, really. Money isn't all that it's cracked up to be compared to the thrill of conquering another. Be it whatever method of conquering you see fit.She crossed her arms
>I should know. Probably shouldn't be discussing this with you, but I doubt the hound cares.Again she realized she's getting slightly sidetracked
>I have what you would call a favored nations clause. I heard about it from some ravioli loving giant guy, so I just had to ask the old hound about it when I got to negotiate my contract after graduating from Burger Bear's dojo.>Might be nepotism, but whoever does the accounting for this company is directed to match my pay with whoever in this company's getting the meatiest checks at the moment. Probably Skelly.