>>5609537On the one hand, all the smarks always hated Mandy and tried to hype up Sonya over her. Mainly because of one promo segment that Sonya would never be able to replicate simply because Mandy is literally the only person that would agree to Sonya getting a bunch of good lines on her while she has nothing scripted in response, all for the specific purpose of putting her friend over. And now those smarks are btfo by Sonya sliding from midcard when she was in the team with Mandy to full blown enhancement talent, while Mandy is now running their precious NXT and holding their title. It's a huge W for us over smarks.
But on the other hand, I like Sonya and would like to see her do well, so I'm not happy to see how she's been treated plus the smarks stopped caring about her long ago, WWE did a 'great' job of cooling her off with the GM bullshit. Being GM has never benefited a wrestler and never will.