>>11762239 >Kevin nash, that sorry motherfucker... i'd shove this fucking gatorade up his cock-teasing ass. He says one time, that i was not a great champion. Hey Nash, you motherfucker, you couldn't even sell the garden out and you were the WORLD champion. I sold the fucking garden out 8 fucking times. And 8 times is not a lot, bruno sold it out a whole bunch more, and so did hogan. How many times did you sell out the garden nash? How many fucking times did you sell out: boston, chicago, detroit, montreal, toronto, miami, san francisco, san diego, LA. how many fucking times? Hard places to sell out: salt lake city, denver colorado. NONE. Not a fucking time. I will put my record, i'll put my gate receipts against your lazy ass any fucking day of the week. fuck you. I never even met the fucking guy, never even saw him, he brought up some internet shit, he was defending flair, or jeff jarret, or somebody, i don't know who's dick he was sucking.