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>Chief, please!
Remember your objective, Kuro. Your job is to secure the asset, not make friends.
>Bastard! I won’t do it! I won’t cross that line!
You won’t have to, we’ll do it for you.
We already have your voice, Kuro. That’s really all we need.
>I thought you needed me to win the title? What if I decide I’d rather take a nap in the middle of the ring?
I think you can be convinced not to.
>Take that silver tongue of yours and kiss my ass. I can’t be convinced
You’ve been with the agency for five years now, Kuro. You of all people should know how persuasive we can be.
>Persuasive? And just how do you plan on persuading me? Everyone I’ve ever loved is dead, I am no longer tethered to you or your organization, I am free
Free? We both no that’s not true, Kuro. Like it or not you have friends now. A family. As long as there’s even one person in the world who cares about you you’ll never be free.
>You.. you wouldn’t
Who’s to say I haven’t already?
>Skelly.. I’m so sorry