>>9740281It's perfect.
>>9739151Now that this Violet/DA feud is presumably over I'm gonna say some stuff I want to say.
I feel like on my end when Priscilla was involved I did the right things for business. That being stacking the odds in Violet's favor of getting into the PPV title match in the first place without having Priscilla break character too much, despite it obviously being far more convenient for her to have a 1 v 1 match. Then not having her find Violet's hidden cameras that she somehow got into Priscilla's house even though she'd have servants cleaning the place that would spot that. I wanted you to be able to use the plot device set up because cooperation is the name of the game.
I think the same applies to Nikkianon and the rest of DA, everyone's been up to work a good programme.
On the other hand Ribbit I feel like at every turn you've no sold and deux ex machina'd Violet's way out of everything at every turn.
Eggplant rain? Oh Violet sold her house right before.
Flash Drive gets stolen? Oh it's the wrong one.
Violet has a match with Nikki? Nope it's her spooky new Demon Balor alt.
It looks like you're feuding with Ash next so here's a suggestion for the future. Maybe sell sometimes?
Violet doesn't have to be some omnipotent know it all genius who also has a demon persona and gets the last word at all times.
In hindsight putting it all together in a post like this, it's been pretty ridiculous. I don't know if all your feuds will be like this since this saga feels like Violet's first real feud and your oher characts dont lend themselves to this kind or markdom or if you're the guy that has a problem with DA doing it to kill the momentum but it's freaking obnoxious how much of a mark you've been.
And that's all I have to say. It needed to be said, and it looks like no one else was going to. So there it is. I hope you take it constructively and if not, I don't care, not me or my faction's problem anymore.