>>9483937timid fan: Who’s this?
bold fan: sez here her name is Gigi Divine, apparently wrestled under the name Mammy Girl in the 20’s. Wore blackface to the ring and everything.
timid fan: Boy, talk about a ‘dark spot’ on the ol’ family escutcheon, huh?
bold fan: Shaddup. But you know it would be real embarrassing for the Divines if this got out. I wonder if they’d pay us to keep quiet?
timid fan: Hey, who’s this? She looks familiar.
bold fan: Ursula Divine, current residence the Spaghetti Town Sanitarium.
timid fan: Yeesh, I know the Divines are crazy but I didn’t expect one to be in the actual nut house. Why does she look so familiar?
bold fan: Yeah, now that you mention it I’ve definitely seen her before. I know! She used to wrestle a few years back. I think her ring name was…