>>9414274*Sapphire huffs and puffs as she finishes making her laps, stopping to rest at the water fountain near where she started, taking a few sips*
>phew... How many laps was that? 40? 50? >I dunno, but i think it's time to pack in it, then check in with Madame Divine, see if she needs my services for anything.*Sapphire goes to the bench where she left her pom poms sitting, looking around confused, checking underr the bench, several times in fact from all angles, and looking around other benches
>I KNOW i left them right here! Where did my pom poms go? They were my second favorite pair!>ugh, damnit, where could they have gotten to? >Maybe i'm just going crazy, maybe I left them at the mansion*Sapphire sends a text message to the Divine Angel's group chat*
>Jennifer is typing...>Jennifer is typing ..>Jennifer is typing .>Jennifer: Hey has anyone seen my pom poms around the mansion? You know, the ones with the pepper spray handle in the center. Could've swore i left them right here before starting on my jog but I don't see them anywhere!*Sapphire sends a picture of the empty bench, as if it'll prove anything*
>Jennifer: See? They're not here! Or anywhere!