Quoted By:
Noire’s Journal
>it’s getting worse
>today they found 3 nurses stiffer than Grizzly Smith in a room full of kindergarteners at Spaghetti Town General
>authorities say they were victims of toxic fruits
>no, not Cryin’ Bryan posters, literally pieces a’ fruit covered in poison
>the coppers have some poor beaner in custody for it but everyone knows he’s just a patsy
>someone keeps turnin’ up the heat and sooner or later Spaghetti Town’s gonna boil over
>hope Kinoko Chu and I aren’t in the kitchen when it happens
>Kinoko Chu if you’re reading this, and I know you are, I’ve got a special message for you
>P: ((brown_trench_coat)), ((brown_fedora)), (red_necktie), (black_fingerless_gloves), (black_bikini), ((black_hair)), ((medium_hair)), (athletic), pale_skin, green_eyes, big_breasts, wide_hips
>N: long_hair
>you’re a smart girl so I know you’ll figure out what it means
>hell, I know you’ve already figured out the rest of my secrets
>just do me a favour and don’t go spreadin’ em around town like the Kade sisters do their legs