>>10468956>"Yes! I'm completely with you, about the battle of ideas. It's why beating Miss USA is SO important. We can do it here, with healthy competition, and nobody ever needs to get hurt or killed."In her exuberance, Colby is completely unaware of the tragedy that has struck elsewhere in Spaghetti Town on this night.
>"I don't think you're foolish one bit. You're a debuting wrestler, same as we all were. I've done some time on the indies, but I showed up here wide-eyed only like a week before you. I know you must've had the best training possible, in your position. And, well, you've got me, not that I'm any kind of decorated veteran. I can watch your back, give you a second opinion, help any way I can. And just be someone you can talk to, for emotional support or whatever. I learned how important that can be recently myself."Colby goes quiet, realizing she's talking too freely in her mild inebriation again, but luckily the next course shows up to save her. She smiles gratefully and taps the table again.
>"Corn? It's okay, I guess. My friend Sapphire likes corn. But it's such a political football! It's all propped up here by the USA's agricultural cartel, because Iowa's a swing state and the first to hold their presidential caucus so everyone has to buy off the farmers, and the companies like Monsanto and DeKalb are always spraying money into the political system, so corn gets subsidized to a disgusting extent here. If Louisiana had Iowa's political clout, we'd use sugar cane to make ethanol instead of corn, and there'd still be sugar in all the drinks instead of high fructose corn syrup....."There she goes again. Colby catches herself and shuts her words off again by way of trying another bite of the food though. Fortunately, her fine motor control hasn't really suffered yet and she's still barely competent with her chopsticks.
>"Mmmm. THIS, though? This is really good. Thank you, again."