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Our operatives embedded within the WWA dojo tell us your campaign is working, Kuro. Skelly Skelly isn't performing at her usual level and she's devoted less time to training since the "Rose incident".
>*grumble* Nice to know the dead can still be put to good use
If it's any consolation Rose is still very much alive. Or at least her body is.
>Rose is alive?
In a manner of speaking.
>Don't that beat all. Next you're gonna tell me Skelly's mom's still kickin' too. Maybe sippin' on a daiquiri down Mexico way
Sadly Jeanne Night IS deceased.
>*sigh* I know. You bastards sent me the autopsy photos
On the subject of Jeanne Night, we uncovered some interesting information about her untimely passing.
>This info, you gonna give it to Skelly?
Of course not.
>And what's to keep me from spillin' the beans?
We're not giving it to you either. Not yet at least.
>*chuckle* Fair enough
One more thing, we see you've involved yourself in the Creampuff affair.
>That a problem, chief?
Not necessarily. But take care to not step on any of your fellow agents' toes.
>I get it. No sense stickin' more than one finger in the same pie