Quoted By:
>Works in WWE
>Not getting a push
>Starts becoming "locker room leader"
>Gets his push
>Has a decent title run but isn't moving numbers as champion
>Forced to job to actual stars
>Quits for 7 years
>Comes to AEW
>Tries to "elevate" the younger guys
>The younger guys don't care and know Punk is there to collect a paycheck since he refused their first offer when AEW was just getting started
>Only came in because he saw the reaction and treatment Danielson got
>Tries to be the nice guy backstage but every can see through the bullshit
>Colt Cabana was set to be on AEW Dark, do commentary and still be in the Dark Order
>Relegated to ROH for "no reason"
>Hangman calls Punk out for being the "workers rights" guy but is clearly there for his own benefit
>Cries at the scrum
>Can't handle an actual scrum backstage
>Suspended and everyone begging him to be fired
What a legacy