>>9298679>Oh my goodness, Keron the frog girl got upset with what I've said?>I didn't mean to hurt- Wait, no.>Is it that easy to upset people?>I called her dumb, idiot, and stupid all in just one sentence. Did that work?>Do I just have to repeatedly say the same mean insults in quick succession?>I see! Hahaha!>I always thought that bullies had to come up with really fancy and elaborate insults to really hurt someone, but now I see that simple insults can pack a punch too!>It's funny, sometimes I don't even understand what bullies are saying because they use such complicated phrases and references that I don't understand. As they're talking, I just start to sulk and get lost in my own world that I couldn't even hear what they're saying.>But now I know that I don't need to think hard with what I'm going to say! I can just keep it simple with my comebacks. Ha!>And if I ever run into Nikki again, she better watch out because I have some super mean things to say to her.>She won't know what hit her!>I'm coming for you, Nikki!*murmurs juvenile insults to self*