Quoted By:
>Actually I'll start, guys. Who here fancies themselves a pw wrestling contributor? Are you friends with SashaSchizo? Are you friends with Mandyfag?
No I'm not...
>Well if you are than FUCK YOU and if you aren't I apologize. I'm old, I'm tired, and I'm sick of grown ass men who are supposed to be my fellow shitposters threatening to ruin my VIP experience at Chicago Comiccon making me stand 10 feet apart from Sasha Banks because some empty headed dumb fuck went into business for himself and turned every thread into a Sasha Banks thread.
>What'd I do to deserve that? My Perfect friend guy, what did I ever do to deserve that?
You tell me.
>I participated in waifu threads until I decided not to. I have every photo I uploaded, I have every screenshot. I did my best to get over on pw with a bunch of schizos who wanted to shitpost with me all the way to the top but didn't want to see me up there, and they ruined my experience with Sasha in real life!
>These are Chef Boyardee's oversized italian sausage ravioli's by the way