Quoted By:
>call my local supermarket a sloppy shop whenever they don't have what I need
>run Windows diagnosis when everything is working fine just so that the message asks me if the troubleshooting was helpful and respond with "you tell me"
>call random furniture in the house based with "ster" at the end. Like based chairster, based livingroomster, based fridgester etc
>scream "the big dawggggg" everytime I see my dog
>"nah you are" everytime I read the bills
>do the AJ Styles entrance gesture in front of mirrors
>stretch my hands like Randy when I wake up
>do the Taker sit up when I wake up
>imagine the reff counting to 10 while I admit defeat and go to sleep
>walk like Undertaker when I come from the bathroom
>"fine speech" under my breath everytime my boss tells me I did a fuckup
>"skucky ducky quack quack" when the local supermarket has what I need
>"KWAB" when my dog fucks the pillow and his dick cannot touch the pillow
>"can you dig it, suckkaaaaa?" everytime I see a mole
>"ya see, ______" everytime I explain something to someone
>"for just, 9... 99" everytime I see something for 9.99 at the store
>"woooooo" when seeing a can of Monster
>"you just made the list!" everytime I'm shopping
You do any wrestling related stuff in real life bros?