>>11791613Excellent post and I actually agree with a lot of it. A manager for Abadon is a good idea. If you'll permit me, a dark faction of Julia Hart (who has outgrown the house of Black), Abadon, and maybe a heel Keira Hogan or Skye Blue could be the ticket. Perhaps even have it that the black mist Julia got was not from Malicuck but from Abadon. Presentation and booking are the greatest factors for a wrestler. You can make someone a star with the right program and look. Note I said stars, not megastars. An Austin or Rock is an entirely different beast and few (if any) which reach that level.
>>11791653Fuck off, let Anon enjoy who he wants.
>>11791557>>11791558>>11791636Based Hayter bros, have another rare Hayter picture from my collection. She's calling to you, anons, would you be lured by her siren song?