>>10385444>>10387353>Sapphire looks up at Steeli from the ground, before staring at the referee with murderous intent as her mind races with excuses>What the FUCK was that ref?>She was rubbing itching powder in my face>I wasn't tapping out, I was trying to scratch my fucking FACE! I demand an asterisks beside this in the history books!Sapphire points to her face, reddened more by embarrassment than any actual itching powder. As Steeli stands tall beside her, Sapphire would go to grab the microphone from her hand. Hearing Steeli brag about her thieving exploits as Steeli, she would decide to rub salt in the wound as a devilish grin crosses her face
>I was taking it easy on you Madame Divine, since I know you have that tag match later tonight! Even if you insist on coming out here in disguise to compete against one of your own!>Because that's our fearless leader, pulling double duty and not backing down from challenges like SOME people who can't make up their goddamn minds!>Isn't that right Madame Divine?Steeli would simply nod, offering her hand to help Sapphire up. While Sapphire knew it wasn't actually Madame Divine, maybe....
As Sapphire would grab it, half way through helping the cheerleader to her feet, Steeli would release her grip, watching he fall flat on her ass again. Nope. Definitely not Priscilla. As the thief would laugh as her music plays before exiting the ring, leaving the cheerleader to deal with even further embarrassment. Sapphire would look over to Lucy standing in her corner, a look of sadness at not being able to avenge her friend and potential new girlfriend. She would simply mutter a
>Sorry I let you down, cutiepie...