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The McMahon credit vampire effect
In other-words, take advantage of people who are more talented than you. Then take all the credit yourself. Vince McMahon is the master at this.
>McMahon struggling creatively with WWF, nobody wants to watch it
>bring in a desperate Vince Russo who is eager and willing to 'fix' the company himself
>is far better creatively and more in tune with current goings on
>pay him meager salary, but because he's young and naïve he accepts it
>tell him how you 'love him like a son', give him small sentimental gifts and affection
>sap Russo of all his creative energy
>work him into the ground so he leaves
>now so big and successful you join NYSE as a public company and seen as the mastermind behind it all
Same can be observed with Vince for decades.