Quoted By:
>days pass and nothing is announced for Cody at Mania
>Seff gets in a program with McIntyre or Zayn or Gunther or whatever
>Roman and Rock do their promos whenever they appear
>booked as the night 2 main event
>heavily promoted and advertised
>gets the Hollywood mainstream attention
>gets the 400m pajeet instagram follower attention
>gets the smark attention because they fucking hate Rocky
>Cody looks more depressed every week
>Mania hits
>night 1 Cody watches Seff lose his title from commentary
>night 2 main event
>Roman comes out with his 10-minute entrance, people cheering because fuck Dwayne
>Rock's music hits
>nuclear boos by 70,000 fans (56,000 according to turnstile count)
>"The Rock is a man of his word. The Rock promised to be in the main event of Wrestlemania and here I am..."
>removes jacket to reveal the striped shirt
>"...as the special guest referee"
>Cody's music hits
>monster pop