>>15920029>stylesthe main event scene is currently packed and they've got some new/different prospects they want pursuing the IC/US titles. styles is very much a case of someone who's just gonna have to enjoy a little rest for probably a few more months while certain feuds finish, or at least progress to a point where he can reliably be inserted.
>nakamurarelegated to 'jobber to the stars' status. his chance at a top title ended when he and styles kicked each other in the dick at WM. in no way, shape or form will HHH even look in nakamura's direction. this very much feels like a case where "his contract will simply expire", at which point he can (assuming they have gone under by this point) call tony khan and secure the easiest 7 figures of his life for a few months of nostalgia feuds before getting tossed in tony's box of forgotten toys.