Quoted By:
>The mighty John Cena.... you wanna break the 4th wall John, lets break the fourth wall... lets talk about how your great promos only work because you handicap your opponent from slapping you back in your stupid face that the only reason you're a 15x champion is because Vinnie Mac, the serial rapist himself, booked your fruity ass to win every night despite the fact everyone over 12 in the audience thinks you absolutely suck.
*Crowd pops*
>Yeah thats right John. Weren't you the guy who interrupted the Authority in the middle of the ring, just to be able to soak in the crowd reaction for Daniel Bryan vicariously for yourself by raising his arm? Weren't you the guy who you had no excuses when you lost to Bryan Danielson at Summerslam, but then you made the camera gratuitously zoom in on your bulbous elbow? Weren't you the guy who retired and came back later that same night?
>You're a phony John. A fraud. And you can call that a fine speech.
*throw down microphone and leave*