>>10494087>I think it's just this business.>We want to see the best for eachother so much, that we doubt if we can live up to that same standard>Even though, as history shows, we always surpass expectations with flying colors>Even if the challenges ahead of us keep mounting higher and higher>But that's what it means to be a competitor, right?As Sapphire would sit there beneath the tree in silence for a few moments, she'd pipe up
>I don't think you have to worry about Lucy hurting me.>If anything, i'm more worried about hurting her.>Between You, Madame Divine, Nikki, possibly Colby, lonelyfans content, and my love of what we do to those guys in the dungeon...>I'd give it all up for her though.>GOD she's so cute. So pretty. So beautiful, So hot, and Too Swee-As Sapphire would go on listing Lucy's qualities, her phone would ping with a notification from her
>>10495942>O-M-G did I really send that pic of me to the group chat instead of to her?Sapphire would send Lucy a text back
>Whoops! At least it wasn't the shot I was really tempted to send you, >But I figure i'd wait until we get closer before sending you morning noodles. *WINK EMOJI*>Noodles*>Noodles*>Damn auto correct! You know what I mean!