Quoted By:
#1 I'm not wolfie
#2 Not been asleep. Been awake for past 16 hours
#3 Murked all the falseflags you have been samefagging all day
#4 If they get 404'd cool. If not don't really care. You're making no waves in real world, wasting your time, and most here just ignore bc it's boring.
#6 Again, you're samefagging desperate for attention. But you're not doing ANYTHING signifcant. You're just an incel samefgaging about dead gay fanfiction meme in falseflag threads on a dead board... get some self awareness and maybe also a life... bc it's BORING AS SHIT
#7 if you want to waste the next 5 years of your life samefagging gets daily in falseflags... knock yourself out, you're BTFO'ing yourself, nobody else