>>10556795>Ooooooooooooooh! Kasumi claps her hand together with a big smile.
>Fightin' ring right below a bar? That's like, two of my favorite things! I'ma gonna have to take you up on that but you mayyyyy, regret it! Plus the WWA gym is nice but...I'm like 94.2% sure they're sending the security tapes when I'm there to the NSA. I'm on TV and the glowies STILL gotta know what I'm doing what the fuck.Kasumi sighs and kills the last of her vodka cranberry. As Cassie mentions her PWE match, her hippocampus slowly kicks in, with her remembering what happened, despite the massive amounts of stolen alcohol she drank.
>Ohhhhhhh shit my bad. Forgot you had a fight at Onsen. I was uh...Kasumi takes a glance around.
>Well uh, um...stealing shit. Don't tell Spaghetti Dog.Kasumi turns to the bartender as he brings their drinks, two glasses of 18 year old Irish whiskey.
>Badass! Cheers!Kasumi, mistaking the glass for a shot, drinks the entire thing.
>Ah! Holy fuck that was good! I prefer jap whiskey usually but I haven't drank anything that expensive since Melbourne. Anywho, you're right, I need to set up my own fights. Some tard on Tweetstagram suggested Hellswing. I'ma go figure that out and make sure the fluoride filter in my apartment is working. Glad you aren't a SSRI taking zombie like a lotta the locker room! Oh fuck my tab.Kasumi awkwardly pulls out an overstuffed wallet with bills and throws about $400 onto the bar.