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>be Big Daddy
>British wrestling legend
real name Shirley Crabtree, built like a bulldog who ate another bulldog
>show up on World of Sport looking like your nan’s favorite bouncer
>singlet has “BIG DADDY” written on it in the least intimidating font possible
>entrance music? We Shall Not Be Moved
>literally unstoppable, mostly because I weigh 26 stone
>Hulk Hogan trying to sell vitamins to kids in the US
me? getting every pensioner in the UK to chant “EASY! EASY!” while I squash Giant Haystacks
>Hogan doing his silly little leg drop. me? walk forward, belly first, and people act like I’ve detonated a tactical nuke
>sell out Wembley like it’s a casual weekend
>more over than Thatcher in ’79
>Hogan has “Say your prayers, eat your vitamins”
me: “just sit down and watch, lad”
>entire British wrestling scene carried on my massive shoulders
>get mobbed by grannies at Tesco after the show
>Hogan needs pyro and a theme song. I just need a pint after work
>retire in the 90s, British wrestling collapses without me
>WWF thinks they’re hot shit
meanwhile ITV reruns my matches for 20 years straight
>Hogan gets booed for going Hollywood. me? national treasure status secured forever
>your nan still has my merch in her attic
>Big Daddy outsold Hogan and didn’t even try