>time to turn off the watchwrestling site , because Punk is off the screen.Let's recap what happened.
1. Pepsiman shows the crowd close to the hard cam side of the arena on purpose - to assert dominance over gayEW and prove that whenever he's featured, the arenas are packed.
2.CM stands for Cleared Medically
3. A guy in Jim Cornette shirt appears
4. YOU EAT CORN THE LONG WAY sign makes its debut
5. Insert name of town
6. Where's Punks energy ? Did Roxanne rejected his Starbucks gift card? Why is the only attraction in that company so visibly upset/confused ?
7. Galloway is ok
8. Adam Pierce can't cut a promo, but finally SUMMERSLAM is worth tuning in.
9. That tranny comes in
10. The bisexual Hugo Chaves can't cut a promo either
11. That's it ? I waited a week for that ?
Can't they make the promos longer ?
Gunter-priest was short too... the FED is making filler episodes now ? What is this disney+ ?
Fucking Gay episode .
>but all in all , finally there's gonna be some WRASSLIN in that deadbeat company once PepsiPhil returns, and I'm glad he finally looks normal and not like a junkie with short hair.Then . Now. Forever. Together. Changing the chanell.