>>9936508*After about ten minutes, in the backyard, Little Brother has suddenly appeared in his T-Rex costume, and is doing his best to impersonate a kaiju.*
>*scary sounding little brother* Grr! Run away! I shall destroy this birthday party, you weak Earthlings! Ranger Rabbit won't be able to save you, now that she's not here!*The small children, giggling and seeming scared start yelling "Help us, Ranger Rabbit" and "Justice Jupiter". After a few shouts, the stereo starts playing BGM:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibrQXvE0QqU and Ranger Rabbit's voice is heard from behind the garden fence*
>W-w-what is this sound? I-i-is the c-cry of someone i-in need of help? >D-d-do not ff-fear! Ff-for the Defender o-of Solar System...>T-the Justice Bunny of J-Jupiter...>Ranger Rabbit!>I-is he-*A loud thump is heard hitting on the face. Desperate sounds of climbing following, before a sound of someone falling on the ground is heard.*
>Sasodīts!*T-Rex looks at the fence in anticipation as more sounds of climbing are heard, before another sound of someone falling down*
>Suka blyat! >Kura kāpostgalva uzcēla šo žogu tik neuzkāpjamu?!*The T-Rex seems to shake its head in disappointment, at the words the hero is shouting. To the children, the words must be Jupiterian warcries, demotivating the scary kaiju.*
>Sasodīti ķekatnieki... >Ak, tur ir durvis!*Ranger Rabbit kicks the garden door open, and runs in, carrying a package underneath her arm*
>R-Ranger Rabbit has arrived!*She declares as she strikes a Red Ranger pose.*