>>9661705Kumome pulls out a ninja info card.
She shows it to Dagnabbit...
He sees himself there on the card in great detail and takes notice that she made all of these herself.
>I follow all the greats.>Max Moon, Mortis, The Shock Master, The Gobbletygooker, Waylon Mercy, not to mention The Vanilla Midget.>You all are the reason I fight for justice.>I won't let my softheartedness stand in my path, it is my nindo.>But trust me, I know when to get serious.She adds the info given to a freshly made ninja info card.
>Do you happen to have the envelope? I'd like that to search for any clues on it.She pulls a handful of candy from her pocket.
>Here, for your grandson.>Thanks for your assistance.,..
(mfw I combined a story line from One Piece with the events of The Transporter)