>>6583195Bullshit you've been posting on this site for 15 years and are going to tell me you hate cornette for basically pulling /b/ tier shit. You post on a website that desperately for 2 elections tried to convince people to vote ron paul. Ron Paul /b/ was a common introduction post. When it became blatantly obvious that wasnt working an attmept was made to rally behind sanders that too failed. When given the opportunity to finally back someone who wasnt part of the established government Donald Trump and it looked like people coule be manipulated to vote for him a lot easier than indies with no chance.
You are on a website that turns people into traps, trap enthusiasts, pedos, spree shooters, rapist, murders and animal abusers and youve been here almost a year longer than I have and you somehow have the most anti 4chan opinions I've ever see anyone ever have.
Fuck off with your dollar store general larp