>>10388207>>10388220Skelly's music hits the arena as she makes her way to the ring. She grabs a microphone and starts talking.
>Hum, Skelly thinks you're confused, Prissy! You know, about hiding and all that.>Skelly just wanted to teach you a lesson. That you need to earn things if you want them, you knoooow?>Were you just waiting for Skelly to be nice to you, and go "Oh yes Prissy, let's have a match together!"?>Well, you're lucky because Skelly's Skelly! Nicest girl around! Well, except when she's in the ring! Haha!She makes a peace sign to the crowd, then resumes speaking.
>And... Rumors? They don't matter. Skelly's job as the champ is to win. That's what The World's Strongest Bones does!>You got in a match with one of the strongest wrestler that graced the WWA on your side. Skelly doubts The Queen would've lost this even if she was alone. And that's not even taking into account the psychological impact of what you did to Jen before...>So huh, sorry Prissy, but Skelly's not impressed!She tilts her head and smile
>You think you're entitled to everything. Skelly thinks the only thing you deserve is an ass kicking!>Skelly worked hard, not only to get that title, but also to survive until now!>Yes, Skelly fought the strongest wrestlers to get to the top!>You've never faced Strapz and her vicious strikes. You never went one on one against the Dark Wrecker!(1/2)