>[Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome your new Intercontinental Champion: Ash Romero!]https://youtu.be/w__Uu87GK3UThe camera falls upon the entrance ramp, newly produced tron footage timing and flashing along with the change in entrance music. Off camera, something makes the audience's noise levels heighten.
Camera feed cuts to the stands as Ash descends the arena stairs, title strapped around her waist and steel chair under her arm. She pauses for a moment, gazing out at the sea of people she emerges from. Hands are held out, shaking, hoping for an acknowledging graze from the champion. A few of them are dapped up as Romero continues to descend towards the ring. As she approaches the barricade, the steel folding chair in her possession is flung over towards ringside, falling against the floor with a loud clatter. The champion swiftly follows, hopping the barricade into the ringside area. She stops and grabs the steel chair before flinging it once more, INTO the ring, with another loud clatter.
She climbs into one of the ring posts and strikes a simple pose for the crowd, arms out and open. After a few moments, she holds her hand out towards ringside, fingers curling in a beckoning gesture. A microphone is put in her grip before she hops down, now inside the ring. The music fades as she picks up the steel chair, once more holding it under her arm. She brings the mic up to her lips.
>I got a lot to talk about, so I'll try to be quick, but if I'm not- Big deal. Do something about it.[1/3(?)]