Quoted By:
>AY LISTEN UP GOYS, THE TRIPLE B IS TALKING. All my life I've heard people say the jews are snobs, the jews are elitists, the jew killed jesus... Well guess what? Judaism is the only true religion. We've been following the Torah longer than most nations have been alive. Jesus and Muhammad learned at our feet. We act like we're better than you... because we ARE better than you. AND DON'T EVEN TALK TO ME ABOUT BUDDHISM, IF YOU FOLLOW A DEAD BEAT DAD LIKE BUDDHA DO THE WORLD A FAVOR AND KILL YOURSELF RIGHT NOW. OH, DID I OFFEND YOU WITH THAT ONE? ARE YOU GOING TO SHUT OFF YOUR TWITTER ACCOUNT? TRY TO GET ME CANCELED? GUESS WHAT, YOU CAN'T TOUCH ME, BECAUSE I'M ONE OF ELOHIM'S CHOSEN PEOPLE! I'M MJF! I'M THE TRIPLE B! I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT! AND LET ME TALK ABOUT HINDU-- *Satnam Singh's music hits*