Quoted By:
Hugh Mann: Ms Kade, I arranged this interview with you to give you an opportunity to respond to Sola Fire's recent statement, but I understand you first wanted to take this time to react to the recent incident in your nightclub?
>Yes Hugh, unfortunately it seems that horrible creature that my poor, brave sister fought all on her own just a few days ago has caused a bit of an incident. Sadly a number of people were injured. Truly, a horrible, horrible tragedy
*Cassie dabs a tissue under her eyes a little too dramatically*
Hugh Mann: Umm yes Ms. Kade, truly quite unfortunate. Do you think safety concerns from this incident will affect business in your club going forward? Could there be a repeat attack?
>Well my sister as brave and valiant a competitor as she is, is just one small girl. And she was able to fight that creature for ten minutes, so I can assure our patrons that security measures will be beefed up and they will have nothing to fear in future. More pertinently I'd like to make an announcement about our next event.
Hugh Mann: Please do
>As you all know I am an honest entrepreneur, who always gives back to the community when the opportunity presents itself. So for the next three nights, fifty percent of all profits generated here in Club Xtacy will be donated to the families of those injured
Hugh Mann: Wow Ms. Kade that's wonderful news. But, now if you don't mind, if we could talk about your wrestling career, and the challenge issued by Sola F-
>Mr. Mann, this is hardly the time
Hugh Mann: B-but before we went on air you said that we'd discuss this after-
>I cannot believe your audacity. Truly an outrage. Here I am trying to promote a charitable event and you are hounding me about a match? The media truly is scum. To all viewers, I say this. Don't let the media win. Come to Club Xtacy and support a good cause. Thank you. This interview is over.