Quoted By:
- They cozied up to all of the woke LGBT fans.
- They brought in and heavily featured a transexual to the womens division.
- Tony Khan made a big stink to ban Hulk Hogan and his wife for eternity.
- You sign CM Punk and have him come out in abortion shirts.
- Your roster is a bunch of attack dogs who savor every chance to argue with conservative figures like Glenn Jacobs on twitter and post gifs of him being hit in the head with chairs
- They respond to literally every critique on twitter
- Your most sensitive guy on the roster FTR bald picks a fight with a woman in the front row for being on her phone
- You get your womens roster to make compilation videos shaming the male fans for finding them sexually attractive, clowning them for Skye Blue ass comments despite her wearing a thong to the ring
>You are now at the point where non woke, beer drinking people tuned out and said "this isn't really for me
- Chris Jericho gets caught being a Trump supporter and accused of being a rapist and the niche you carved out to lean on is up in arms.
- You cool this off by bringing in Ric Flair after the plane ride from hell episode
You've now alienated everybody, as elsewhere Hulk Hogan is on stage speaking at a republican national convention, and still selling more action figures at age 70 than anyone on your roster ever will, while Cody Rhodes is now WWE champion. You had a womens star organically get over like a rocket in Jamie Hayter, but you gave her the belt and didn't ever let her cut one promo. She couldn't even walk in front of Britt Baker while being champion, and has been on a year long hiatus.
Nice going AEW. When is Punk going to wear this shirt on Raw anyway?