>It’s just a work, broOh really? Who in the WWE told Rhea to retweet and like posts by fan accounts talking about “her two boyfriends” when Buddy doesn’t exist in the WWE universe? Why — in a business where worked relationships become shoots and her boyfriend is in another company, meaning they see each other once or twice a week — was she liking posts about Dom being “dreamy” and “deserving the world” knowing her boyfriend could see those posts? Who told Rhea to film a TikTok short where she carries Dom with his dick pressed against her tummy, and then press her cheek to his cheek? Who told her to buy a toy of childhood Dom, carry it in her pocket for her wrestle mania interviews, and keep it on her shelf visible during all webcam interviews? Who told her to say she and Dom have unmatched chemistry (
What other wrestlers in onscreen relationships do half of this stuff? How is it that two shitty actors incapable of a subtle gesture can look at each other as if they’re in love — their eyes glowing as if their souls shine through; looking at each other in ways they’ve never looked at their significant others.
It’s an open secret. The internet knows. The Aew locker room knows. Buddy knows, which is why he looked miserable at the HOF and sold Caster’s line like a shot through the heart. So long as Dom feels obligated to his fiancé, it’s technically just road pussy, but the feelings are there.