>>12525745>top right>not meant to be taken seriously in the slightest and is just meant to be dumb fun where there's no real stakes and its just big monsters fighting each other>bottom right>there are supposedly stakes, they're playing this shit straight>this is supposed to be in the same continuation as the 2014 filmHere's 2014.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZMKMoPpVAo&pp=ygUNR29kemlsbGEgMjAxNA%3D%3DAnd now you have the latest entry in the same continuation since 2014.
>>12522239This is like comparing the direction of the original 1954 movie to fucking Terror of Mechagodzilla or Godzilla vs. Megalon. It's a problem that the original movies had as well since they never set the distinction, but we should really know better at this point.