Braun Strowman is starting to scare me.
2 nights ago, he began arguing with trolls and fans again. And this wasn't like responding to a couple trolls. He literally spends hours upon hours responding to criticism and calling them 'losers', 'bitches', and other childish insults. He literally sent like 50-60 responses or maybe even more, to trolls in a span of a few hours.
The thing is, Strowman occasionally does this stuff. This has become kind of like a monthly thing for him. The last time he argued with fans on Twitter a few weeks ago, he went off on a young kid for giving him a Zero rating in WWE 2K22. Here are some typical responses that he gives to trolls:
"Look at the state of you. You are the last human anyone should take medical advise from. You might make it to 45"
"Yea I based on your moms back last night"
(This one was in response to a fan who called CYN 'based'. Braun didn't understand the meaning and went after his mom. Link:
"Look at the snow flake marks melting. Hahahahahaha y’all to easy!!! #TrollKilla #ImUndefeated #CYN #SuperKickaStillSuck"
"This is how I handle bully’s. You come attack me then I give it back and you cry being bully. What a little bizznitch hahaha. I win again"
"Yet here you are taking about CYN. I win mark"
"Imagine be such a loserrrrrrrrr that you have to make a fake account to go try and be cool on Twitter. I’m so relevant you probably made this burner account for me. Dork"
Wrestlers deal with trolls all the time and it's beautiful when they show them their place. But spending hours on end responding to tens and tens of trolls is weird as fuck.