>>9680071>>9679631*A not-too-loud stereo starts playing BGM:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibrQXvE0QqU . A voice starts speaking from behind the corner*
>Oh, w-w-what is this cry of h-help I'm hearing?!>Huh? An E-Earthling in need of h-help?!>Then, it can only m-mean that...*Ranger Rabbit jumps into view from behind the corner*
>W-wherever a d-defender of good is needed!*Striking a Red Ranger pose*
>W-when the Sun s-shines the dimmest!*Striking Black Ranger pose*
>W-when the ff-forces of evil threaten the d-day!*Striking a Sailor Moon pose*
>O-only one b-bunny c-can restore order!*Striking a Jonathan Joestar pose*
>Ff-for I am Ranger Rabbit! The d-defender of th-the Solar System!*Striking a Pink Ranger pose*
>And t-the bane of villains!*Striking a bunny pose*
>Justice Jupiter!*Rabbit looks extremely smug after being able to do her entrance after some time.*