Quoted By:
>Unk: Welcome back, Agent. We had some unwarranted entries in our office complex down on Linguine Lane, as you know.
>Taker: Right. And as ordered, no action to be taken against them. Just a stern warning.
>Unk: ...What happened to your hand, Agent?
>Taker: Scraped it against part of the getaway vehicle while ensuring its destruction. Still hurts like hell, had some blood loss, but I made sure there wasn't any trace of it, alongside Agent Noire.
>Unk: Surprised that, of all things, hurts you. She was a fine operative. We came close, but not close enough. The Dog's starting to catch onto us again.
>Taker: And we work from the ground-up again. Have someone else try and take the belt.
>Unk: What's more, our operatives in China have reported the Garden’s building their own star player.
>Taker: Why should we care what the Reds want?
>Unk: We're talking about a monopoly on man and monster, Agent.
>Taker: Mmm... Don't wanna ignore them. That where I'm going next, Beijing?
>Unk: You're going to Seoul, actually. Reserves for if our initial agents fail to find anything.
>Taker: Understood, ma'am..
>Unk: Oh, and Agent? Next time, be sure to properly “retire” someone. That’s your final warning.
>Taker: Understood.