>>9843710“And who was the other guy? ‘Freebird’? No, ‘firecrotch’? No, I just talked about her. Oh wait, I remember. The other dude I have to worry – [omega fakes a retch] – I’m just kidding, there’s no worry in my mind at all because Tomboy Girl has been DUCKING KELLY OMEGA FOR YEARS. And I don’t care what she has to say on some talks how hosted by some loudmouth ginger or her snappy little ‘ring smart’ video crap. You know why Tomboy has so much time to make those little videos for you slobs in the crowd? Because she doesn’t do any real press releases or promotional tours, or help build this company up, or wade through charity work like a REAL HERO TO THE PEOPLE Kelly Omega does.”
>[Omega throws her jacket on the ground and holds up her hand.]“We are less than two weeks out from Kelly Omega winning that Intercontinental Championship, and all my competitors can do is sit around taking pot shots at each other on social media or talkshows, or call each other childish names. Frankly, it’s embarrassing and it makes me sick to be associated with them. If you ask me, Violet, you should nix this mini tournament thing and just face me at the PPV. It’s what the people want, and if I’m wrong, then let me be struck down where I stand.”
>[Omega closes her eyes (presumably? She’s still wearing sunglasses) and spreads her arms out wide.][2/2?]