>>10025464Oh, please. New Jack was one of the biggest fucking losers ever. Guy tells him he doesn't want to dona spot, because he doesn't think they can do it safely. New Jack, thinking he knows better, pulls the motherfucker off a balcony against his will and after himself. Gravity gravities, New Jack, being the dumb shit to pull the guy off, goes first and pulls Grimes on top of himself and gets brain damage. Somehow, his retard ass blames the dood that didn't want to do the spot, and that he forced into it, for his brain damage. So he decides to enact his revenge by tazing the mother fucker and throwing him off an even higher balcony, AND STILL FAILS to kill him. New Jack just repeatedly kwabing himself out. He had a helpless victim fifty feet up and still managed to shit the bed. It's absolutely pathetic. Almost as pathetic as taking the time to type all this out.