>>10083847NY fag here. My 2 cents:
NYC subways have been overrun by the homeless since COVID. Not to say there weren't homeless faggots on the subways cars before hand, but COVID let them spread like literal roaches since most people wouldnt ride the rails. NYC police have a special division dedicated to the subways and it isnt enough. They dont do enough. On top of the homeless guys literally living in corners of the cars, shitting, sleeping, and jerking off, you have the gropers, masturbators, pick pockets, beggars, and worse of all to me performers. The faggots like this guy who come on and do some fucking shit tier act to get some handout. The worst are the stripper bar performers who should all be literally murdered. Ive seen these guys literally try to fuck people up for not giving them money since there are 6-8 of these niggers in a troop. But my biggest take away is this. In NY if you see some crazy faggot doing something do not jump in unless it is life and death for you. This city is too random to risk your life to save someone else or not take the simpler route of living the car or getting off the next stop, or simply just ignoring it all. I dont know if this guy was personally being attacked but if he wasnt and he jumped in deserves all the shit he is getting. There is no one besides yourself and your loved worth saving in NY or going to jail for.