>>10095643That hasn't been a real insult since 2005
Do you not realize how many of us have genuinely never once attempted to have sex because we are so repulsed by the subhuman behavior of "empowered" women?
Even if I were a sleazy retard who actually was going to go for casual sex "just like in the heckin epic movies" these women would be enough to put me off.
I've been avoiding women my entire adult life and I've STILL been propositioned for sex by an absolute stranger and I'm not even remotely attractive nor do I invest effort into being so.
And I'm fat! Really fat!
I'm in the bottom 25% of earners in the US and I don't have any property or inheritance, my personality doesn't "meld well" at all with any of these cunts and I hate them, but not even in a "bad boy" way, I'm just courteous and avoidant.
Anon you don't even understand, men aren't going to do this whole "woe is me I le can't get laid" act forever, more and more of them are waking up and acknowledging that they CHOOSE not to go to seedy dive bars and no one's forcing them to be sexless, but that if they're being honest with themselves they find these whores as undesirable for actual human interaction as I do.