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What are some things you used to believe about wrestling as a kid? I'll start

>HHH's name Hunter Hurts Helmsley
>wrestlers always walked around in their ring gear, so you might bump into Kane doing his grocery shopping with full mask and body suit
pushing a trolley around
>Vince literally owned the arenas that they performed in and there were wrestling arenas all across the country, all owned by Vince, in the same way that there are NFL arenas and ice hockey arenas
>really wanted Vince to build a wrestling arena in my city so WWE could come here
>Austin was literally just wearing his underpants when he wrestled, couldn't understand why
>Ausin stopped wrestling because WWE decided he was too violent after he got arrested for beating up Debra and were worried he was going to go crazy and beat everyone up in the ring
>JR's colour commentator was Kane which made absolutely no sense to me why he would be a silent monster in the ring but then come and sit down next to JR and start screaming about puppies, but I suspended my disbelief
>hardcore championship was always on the line and could be defended anywhere so I always thought one day at school we might be in class and Crash Holly might come burst through the door of the classroom fighting Al Snow but it never happened
>WCW and its wresstlers were fake and only existed in video games to avoid copyright for WWE, Goldberg was Austin, The Giant was Big Show (which I was actually right about lol), Sting was The Undertaker etc etc