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AA is here to cut through the bullshit

No.10139036 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ol' AA is gonna help you marks out

>AEW is set for a $1bn TV deal
This is such a ridiculous figure that I can only presume that it's disinformation. AEW will get significantly increased TV rights but it will not be 1000% increase and people expecting that should be mocked. I have no idea what those people on the WON forum are talking about and who they are talking to but by setting up a 1000% increase, they can claim failure when it's only a 500% increase, which if this news hadn't "leaked" would be seen as an incredible win for AEW (which it is)

>AEW is worth $1b if it gets a TV deal worth $1bn
This is a misunderstanding on how companies are valued. A $1bn deal, or $200m a year for 5 years doesn't value the company at $1bn. Valuations are a bit of a meme at the best of times for private companies as they're essentially worth whatever a buyer will pay

>AEW has lost $500m since its inception
Headcanon that doesn't even pass basic math. It's true that AEW has yet to turn a yearly profit and it's true that there were significant startup costs just as there are for any new media business, but this figure is off by at least a multiple of 5 at the most drastic estimates. It's also worth pointing out that startups are not expected to turn profitability/break even until Year 5 in normal circumstances and Covid disrupted that timeline. From the best estimates that we have, based on comparative salaries and average ticket sales + announced revenues, AEW is doing fine for where it is in its life span.

>Shad Khan doesn't care if they make a profit
Nobody became a billionaire by losing money but this underlies a logic that any other investor would be disappointed and that isn't true. The Get Big Quick strategy is well established and understood by venture capitalists

I don't even watch AEW but the bullshit on here is insufferable from people who have no clue what they're talking about. Stop posting Twitter basement dwellers with McJobs as sources on how businesses are ran.