>>10202249>>10202249straight up, i have no clue what a "waifu" is nor do i even care to google it to find out, i've seen it used here a lot over yrs and don't give a shit, it's an incel word to me
you're out of your mind if you think im gonna do any of your incel shit
only here to ruin fag authors lifes work and have done that, they bump falseflag threads that don't draw on a dead board, that's how they justify wasting their life for free on gay fanfic lol
they make zero waves in real world
You're one dumb faggot if you think i give a fuck about any of your dimeless threads on the board atm, again... what are they actually doing? NOTHING besides flooding board (to compensate for wasting life on dead meme) so we murk to stop that
im looking at Nash threads now...the podcast one has 26 posters WORLDWIDE in 19 hours... and that's the one with most engagement besides the Golberg streak thread which i don't care one iota about. It amazes me how you think any of us murkchads would give a fuck LOL
as long as board isn't flooded with RAPE threads specifically i don't care about you COPE posting in threads like
>CM Punk is an anti draw>Nash is alive with pic of him and Minka etc.
again YOU MAKE NO NOISE OUTSIDE this dead board.